Planet Fun - The Best of MVP Games
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Please send me Corncob Other Worlds Campaign, plus my free bonus,
Game Builder Lite, by first class mail.
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE: 5-1/4" (HD) -or- 3-1/2" IMPORTANT!
Price of Corncob Other Worlds Campaign $20.00
Shipping and handling in the US 3.00
Shipping and handling to Canada 4.00
Shipping and handling everywhere else 5.00
Michigan residents enclose sales tax .92
Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
Card number __________________________________________
Expiration number ____________________________________
VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
==================== in future products.
Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486
Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 10 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 ___
Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________
(speed) (type)
Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro Thundercard
PC speaker only Other ____________________________________
Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____
Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics Game Complexity
Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player
Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________
Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check for $23.00 to:
MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
From the US or Canada call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24-hour order line.
Call (616) 245-8376 tech support, information, or overseas orders.